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The content on this website is authored by Mike, with the assistance of AI tools for editing. While AI aids in refining the text, all ideas, topics, and content originate from the author.

Co Source - Renamed Source Code Sharing Strategy

Co source Intro Protected Inner Source RecapProtected Inner Source is a source code sharing strategy that defines an intermediate model between Open Source and Inner Source. The analogy used here is that C# Access Modifiers define a ‘Protected Internal Class’ as an intermediate between ‘Public Class’ and ‘Internal Class’. The purpose of which is to be more closed off between assemblies than ‘Public Class’, yet more open for reuse than ‘Internal Class’.

Open Source - Inner Source - Protected Inner Source

Protected Inner SourceUPDATE: Based on feedback, I am changing the name of this source code sharing strategy to ‘Co Source’. The direct analogy between Protected Internal Class and Protected Inner Source seemed to imply a lack of security in traditional Open Source sharing strategies, which was not my intent. Read more about the naming change in my follow-up article here: Co Source - Renamed Source Code Sharing Strategy Intro Inner sourceIn the digital era, software development is a cornerstone of innovation.

Firewall Port Status Test Script

Firewall port testing IntroRecently I had some issues at a customer project where, due to the complexity of the environment, sometimes firewall ports were closed after they had initially been added to the rules list. This caused unexpected errors for SharePoint, of which we were unaware at the time that these were due to firewall issues. While analyzing the issue I came across the Test-NetConnection PowerShell command, which I used to manually verify the issue on one server.

Sharepoint ULS Log Files Empty

SharePoint ULS Empty log filesRan into an annoying issue today where a SharePoint server was not writing trace log messages, the result was a log directory with 0 bytes logging files. Incidentally I found a Event Log error with the code: “A Session “WSSUSAGESESSION15” failed to start with the following error: 0xC0000022” Other posts mention adding the service account (or the WSS_WPG group) for the ‘SharePoint Tracing Service’ Windows Service to the administrators group, tested that, this indeed fixes the problem.

Creators Update 2 Microsoft Edge Google Inet_e_resource_not_found

Creators update The issueSince the Creators Update navigating to any Google site (google.com, google.co.uk, google.nl, etc.) results in an INET_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND error, only on my work laptop, none of my other devices which I’ve also upgraded. This only happened with Google, no other site had this issue… furthermore I could reach Google(.com) fine via Ping from commandline, Internet Explorer, FireFox and Chrome… Cleared my (Edge) browser cache, history, etc. no results.

Creators Update 1 Remoteapp and Desktop Connection Gateway Unavailable

Creators Update The IssueLast week I upgraded all my personal Windows 10 devices to build 1703 (Creators Update) and after a few days of testing I was convinced this build is solid enough to upgrade my work laptop as well… true so far except for one minor issue! When I had to connect to a client’s RemoteApp and Desktop Connection gateway, which they host on Windows Server 2008R2, I got the following error: “Your computer can’t connect to the Remote Desktop Gateway server.