
Sharepoint Uls Log Files Empty

Ran into an annoying issue today where a SharePoint server was not writing trace log messages, the result was a log directory with 0 bytes logging files. Incidentally I found a Event Log error with the code: “A Session “WSSUSAGESESSION15” failed to start with the following error: 0xC0000022” Other posts mention adding the service account (or the WSS_WPG group) for the ‘SharePoint Tracing Service’ Windows Service to the administrators group, tested that, this indeed fixes the problem.

The Castle the City and the Outlands

The education sector In consultancy we see a wide range of business sectors. From healthcare, to banking, but also the education sector. Yesterday I was providing advice on user adoption and migration strategies for a large educational institute. In attempting to explain the security architecture of Office365 and SharePoint Online I used several metaphors. To summarize what I had told him, my customer offered a metaphor of his own in return which I found to be very effective.